Useful volume (blue II) sound installation, Soirée sonique 89, group exhibition, LTK4, Cologne
Useful volume (blue) sound object, Mit Klang, group exhibition, Nachtspeicher23, Hamburg
Transmit me video documentation, Resonance - Festival for sound art films and new music, Grosso Modo, Tel Aviv
Slow Bell fixed media, Paysages I Composés festival, Grenoble
Na Escada radio soap happening, hinterconti, Hamburg
Musterstadt audiovisual installation, Mayer&Schultz, Lange Nacht der Kunst, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop
Stapel fan-driven reed organ, live-electronics, EPHEM Festival, WRG Sensor, Braunschweig
Wer ist am Rohr? fixed media, NNOI Festival, Zernikow
Multiplayer collective real-time composition concept, Ensemble EMN, blurred edges festival, Hamburg
Past forward Mayer&Schultz, site-specific audio play, Altonale, Hamburg
Side Effects podcast feature, On Air - On Site Radio Art Festival, Institute of sonology, Den Haag
Na Escada radio soap happening, Vorwerkstift, Hamburg
Recurved fading 14-channel fixed media, Écoutes Périphériques, Vaulx-en-Velin
Slow Bell first prize, Slowslam music design contest, Trossingen University of Music
Musterstadt audiovisual installation, muh[sic], Kalletal
Shift sound sculpture, Schausammlung 2023, group exhibition, LTK4, Cologne
Flecken audiovisual multichannel installation, ZOLLhaus, group exhibition Kulturwerk SH, Pinneberg
Fit in sound sculpture,, FUTUR 3 festival, Kiel
Capri Code 8-channel sound installation, PAYSAGES | COMPOSÉS, Écologie sonore ‧ Musiques de recherche, Grenoble
Speicher participatory, work-in-progress sound installation, with writer Marie-Alice Schultz, International Buildings Exhibition (IBA), Thuringia
Schalldose sound sculpture, Puzzelink_evidenz, group exhibition, Galerie M6, Hamburg
Like an angel music for a short film by Leonid Kharlamov, 8. Salon, Hamburg
Zwitscherspeicher durational performance for double bell trombone, gesture controlled live-electronics and tin can telephone, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop
Draw a note concept for collective composing, Ensemble EMN with Luise Volkmann and Dong Zhou, blurred edges festival, Hamburg
Na Escada: Passagen curation sound art group exhibition, blurred edges festival, Hamburg
Building/s Stories (Douin&Schultz), binaural sound design, Hamburger Architektur Sommer
Under The Construction, performance with Leonid Kharlamov, Boris Vogeler and Vladimir Seleznev, Hamburger Architektur Sommer
Side Effects podcast feature, Radio Angrezi, HFK Bremen
Speicher participatory, work-in-progress sound installation together with writer Marie-Alice Schultz, Residency at Projektraum Dose, Hamburg
Beelzebub audio play with Leonid Kharlamov, Iris Minich, Boris Vogeler
Capri Code 8.1 sound installation, klub katarakt festival, Kampnagel, Hamburg
Der verpasste Moment fixed media, for Blackbox Poesie 8, Ledigenheim, Hamburg
Inside you binaural birthday song for the 50 anniversary of Deutsches Phonomuseum, St. Georgen
Kipppunkt site-specific 8-channel sound installation, Jupiter (former department store), Hamburg
Trombonist for A space journey, multimedia music theatre, HfMT Hamburg
Building/s Stories (Douin&Schultz), 4-channel stage music, Künstlerhaus Faktor, Hamburg
Capri Code stereo version, art.ist, Kooperative New Jazz, Wiesbaden
Capri Code 8-channel sound installation, HALLO: Festspiele, Hippocampus – sculpture park, Hamburg
Capri Code 8-channel sound installation, HIER ist Platz für sieben, group exhibition as part of PAV_STIP, Kulturwerk Schleswig-Holstein, Pinneberg
Lovers for a day participatory sound installation as part of PAV_STIP, Kulturwerk Schleswig-Holstein, Pinneberg
Transmit me concert installation for trumpet, trombone, two double basses and 19 tin can telephones, blurred edges festival, Hamburg
Concert with Luise Volkmann, Juliette Meyer, Yves Arques, LOFT, Köln
Capri Code 8-channel sound installation, Vogelklang Soundcamp, St. Georgen
Performance of Denis Polecs spatial audio composition Echo Chamber for trombone and live-electronics, Tonlabor, HAW Hamburg,
Schalldose small series of sound sculptures, Global Forest, St. Georgen
Left of the dial curation and festival management together with Tim Huys, PARKS, Hamburg
Dissidents #20 with Axel Dörner and Lorena Izquierdo
Friendly Wires performance with TinTin Patrone, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
Collective spawn nine piece improvisation ensemble, blurred edges festival, Hamburg
Lover's phone participatory sound installation, hinterconti, Hamburg
Chasing improvisation concept with 4-channel fixed media, in cooperation with ensemble xenon (Berlin), blurred edges festival, Hamburg
Uncool Residency, with Sascha Brosamer, Poschiavo
AiR with writer Marie-Alice Schultz, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop
1. prize, Slowslam contest, University of Music, Trossingen
AiR with Marie-Alice Schultz, Sommerfrische Haus Döschnitz, International Buildings Exhibition (IBA), Thuringia
AiR at Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop
AiR with Marie-Alice Schultz at Atelierhaus Dosenfabrik, Hamburg
Grant by Musikfonds for the composition of Sand Songs
Grant by Kulturwerk Schleswig-Holstein
Grant by Musikfonds for the Podcast-Feature Side Effects
AiR at Kunstverein Global Forest, St. Georgen
Ensemble grant by Musikfonds
Grant by the Ministry of culture Hamburg, awarded by Landesmusikrat Hamburg
Grant by Musikfonds for Moving, a series of video-scores
PRINCE ISTARI Rids The World From The Evil Curse Of A.I., sozialistischer plattenbau, 2024
SPLIT, with Doc Wör Mirran, attenuation circuit/Grubenwehr Freiburg, tape, 2022
DAMN!, Freistil-Sampler #6, (Magnetic Tongues - Duo with Birgit Ulher) chmafu nocords, 2022
MULTIPLE SCRATCHES, with Hans Schüttler, oo rilla, 2022
im hier und jetzt oder nie, DEGEM CD 20, Solidarity Noise Project: Solidarity Noise, coordinated by Joshua Weitzel, 2022
favourite galaxy, double bird (Izquierdo, Lewandowski, Kuldkepp, Mayer), creative sources recordings, 2021
Grodock + Felix Mayer, Fluchtimpuls, Marbre Negre, tape/online, 2021
it was revealed on reddit that there are a bunch of gypsys downton in seattle, Grodock + Felix Mayer, Raketenbasis Haberlandstrasse, tape, 2020
Transoceanic, Sascha Brosamer, self release, vinyl/online, 2020
Der Sog/Kollaborationen, Grodock + Felix Mayer, attenuation circuit/Grubenwehr Freiburg, tape/online, 2020
Jojo Defek Quartet, Das blaue Licht, self release, CD, 2019
Sohne, 5 Years Phonophon compilation, CD, 2014
Rebirth of Time, Tramuc + Darius, pan y rosas discos, online, 2014
Sohne, fragmentary improvisational experimantation, compilation, institute for alien research, online, 2014
Sohne, The X-mas compilation, Petroglyph Music, online, 2013
Raum.Spiele, Sohne, Affront digital, online, 2013
Grodock + Felix Mayer, Two Live Performances, Crach Records, online, 2013
Das Ver/wesen in drei Teilen, Grodock + Felix Mayer, Crach Records, online, 2012